Sunday, April 13, 2014


Just thought I would checking and say "howdy." So, Howdy!
It has been a rainyish day and we are waiting for a "severe" storm this evening. We are supposed to have a hard freeze, 25 degrees, Monday night, the 14th. It is a bit late in the year but there was a year, maybe 4 years ago, where it got down to the high teens on the 20th of April so just because it is past the "average" date doesn't mean it is odd.
\It does mean we have to bring in our seedlings. We don't have much place for them. If we did we would probably have a better garden because we could start almost everything inside in early March and have stuff planted out by mid to late April. Oh well, maybe one day we will manage to find a place inside. I haven't felt much like gardening so far this year but it one of those things where if I don't do it now my future self will be kind of mad at me. I hate that.
Another thing I haven't felt much like doing, but in this case am just about compelled to by unknown powers, is spring cleaning. It didn't get done last year because of my surgery. I am not positive much of it got done the year before because I was so sick. It isn't pretty. Morg has had the chore of vacuuming the living room for a while now. Typical, she has not done a good job at nooks, crannies and corners, I have done some of that over time. However, there was about three inches of dust and animal hair behind the entertainment center.
Speaking of Morg, she is doing her first paid job last night and tonight. A neighbor who does floor stripping and other stuff for stores around here needed a couple replacement hands for a job and he has called on Ron a couple times but still needed another so Morg went. They left at around 8 pm and got back around 3:30 am. They finish it up tonight but it won't be so late, probably around midnight or 1 am.
We have 3 kinds of Daffodils and usually they overlap in bloom with one kind fading as another is coming heavy into bloom and the third doesn't bloom until the first is all gone; all 3 are in bloom at the same time this year. The guy done the road, the one that does floors, told Ron last night none of his has bloomed at all. That is a little odd.
An there are almost no Morels. This is sad.

The ticks are starting to come out. This is sad too.

1 comment:

Forever Engaged said...

Congrats to Morg on her first job! That's exciting!
Ugh, I HATE ticks. Ticks cost me a LOT last year. My youngest was bitten and got the bullseye rash. He had to get blood work and be treated. :(
Good luck on your Spring Cleaning! I started, but still haven't finished. Looks to be it will become summer cleaning. And maybe Fall cleaning....