Friday, November 1, 2013

All Hallow's Day aka The Day after Halloween

Everyone is a little burnt out from yesterday but poor Ron agreed to go with the neighbor to Ohio tomorrow and had to run to town and do some other last min ute things. The neighbor bought a half-built two-seater airplane he wants to go pick up. He had been asking Ron for days to take a trip hear or there for him to go look at a plane he wanted to buy; I don't remember all the places but one was Florida. Then he called Ron up yesterday morning to ask if he would go to Ohio with him today (Friday). Ron said he couldn't do it today but probably could arrange going tomorrow (Saturday). The guy told him he would think about postponing it for a day but he would probably just go alone; he would call back by evening with his decision. I guess his wife put her foot down and said if he didn't have another person he wasn't going. We got a call last night from her thanking Ron for going, I guess he was a little too embarrassed to call. Ron has mixed feelings about going, and I really don't want him to go, but he hasn't traveled as much as I have and it'll be good for him. He will be just shy of an hour from Lake Erie and I told him to make sure they take the time to go see it; that will be his second Great Lake. He has never seen an ocean. So, he will be gone a few days.

Tink dressed as a witch yesterday, and Morg was sort of zombie-ish. Both to old for trick or treating but Tink was insistent we do something for Halloween. So we piled in the car and stopped at the country store at the curve in the highway and they had candy and hot dogs to roast and marshmallows too, and people we knew. We hung out there for about 45 min. and piled n the car again to stop at the little store just a ways up the highway, just to show the girls off to the owner as she didn't have anything Halloweeny going on, and got some homemade cookies. Back in the car to stop at a church at the highway intersection that had a "trunk or treat" thing. Then we stopped at some friends house that we traditionally stop at every Halloween even if we do nothing else; they are the folks we bought this place from. I don't understand why we stopped there before doing the stuff in town we planned but Ron had pulled in and they had already seen us before I realized he was stopping. We were there for a little while--really should have done it last thing like usual. When we got back in the car it was already too late to do a couple of the other trunk or treats in town but we went to the radio station which was one open a little later and  Tink was totally ignoring this clown that was trying to engage her until I told her to follow him "right over there" and he was going to show the girls a trick She followed him and took his candy offering and giggled when he said something--completely appropriate giggling. Then his trick was grabbing this pig heart out of bloodyish looking water claiming it was his heart and then he made it "beat." Tink screamed, she was smiling but she screamed like Fay Wray. The clown guy got a little concerned he flipped her out, the look on his face… I started laughing, Tink stopped screaming, giggled a bit, then screamed again, then the clown laughed realizing she was just playing along. Then we went to the one house in town that is always massively Halloweened out where Tink practiced her acting skills again. Then to McDonald's fro some fries. Which if we had done the town thing first, we would have had a couple more stops and then could have done the fries and then our yearly Halloween visit, Tink would have been happy to be there instead of throwing a tantrum almost the whole time we were there. Oh well.

The pumpkin carving was funny. Morg didn't want to but Brianna did, untill she found out she had to stick her hand in the pumpkin to clean it. Ron couldn't get her to stick her hand in that mess for anything; he did try. She wound up grabbing a spoon on her own and doing a little but then just bolted from the room and wouldn't come back in until the pumpkin was empty.

There is this guy, we have known for about 7 or 8 years, who bow hunts and it is bow season right now. He is a single guy with a bit of land; that land allows him to take quite a few deer every year, way more than he can use but he like to bowhunt. A few months ago, Ron was talking to a neighbor (not the one he is going on the road trip with) about a mutual friend who died a few years back that always gave us his extra venison and he mentioned this in the conversation. This bow hunter guy was there at the time. All of the sudden, in the last week, this guy has stopped by with the meaty parts of 3 deer he has killed. Nice. Even nicer is this guy field cleans and de-bones the meat, the other guy gave us the critter and we cleaned it. Most of the meat is from older animals and is only good for grinding or jerky, but that is fine. Regular firearm season will be starting soon and we usually get a nice critter for letting the deer camp folks hang their meat in our feed room. Most people won't hang carcasses by their cattle, especially milkers, because it makes them act uh, stupid is what most people say, I call it angry. It does not seem to phase our milk cow and in turn it doesn't phase her daughter, our other milker. So we go ahead and hang them, right there next to the milking stall to the disbelief of most folks.


Todd said...

It sounds like you had a fairly decent Halloween. Very cool!

Congrats on getting the deer meat. :)

Forever Engaged said...

I'm so happy that you guys were able to do something festive as a family! I've never heard of trunk or treating, but I LIKE it!