Thursday, July 18, 2013

Good and Bad News

The good news: I got a vacuum.
The bad news: All the turkey poults died.
I don't really know why they died, t was after a slightly chilled night but I didn't think that it would be too chilly. The next morning one did not look so good and I thought it might have been on the bottom of the pile and got a bit squished; sometimes they survive that, sometimes they don't. The day rapidly was warming so I knew they were not at all chilled by then. All others were chipper. I go back an hour later to check on the one and it was dead as well as four others with the last one not looking good at all. I am not terribly upset, I didn't want to have to take care of them anyway. But I am sad over it as well as a bit confused.
The vacuum is not the one I wanted but it wasn't the cheapest one either, in the range of second cheapest as there were two or three that were within a few dollars of each other. Got it today and it is not put together yet since very shortly after returning home from town some neighbors came over. When they left I tried calling my dad, it is his birthday, no one answered, and then I had to water a section of garden and another neighbor came by as soon as I started that. It is getting dark and I do not like vacuuming after dark (it can make winter vacuuming a little difficult) so it sits in its box in the living room.
I wasn't sure I would get a vacuum this month, not even a cheap one, because the mortgage inadvertently got paid twice. We were a tad scared there for a few days because we really cannot afford a double payment and would have suffered toward the end of the moth, but it did get refunded pretty quickly.
I hve a toothache. Arg!
It has been hot but not as bad as some parts of the country. We are a little low in rain now.

I was feeling a bit poorly the last few days but better now. I have been feeling much more myself recently, the last few days were nothing compared to the last few years. I have discovered hunger pains again; it is an interesting sensation that I almost failed to recognize. The first one was like, "What the hell is that? Oh, great, a new pain. Why does it feel vaguely familiar? Oh! I know what that is!" I can eat more than one meal the size of a snack a day now. The portions are close to normal and I put something in my stomach at least twice a day. I have more stamina and can actually do things. Not bad.


Todd said...

Congrats on the new vacuum!

Boo that your turkey poults died.

Yay that you're eating better and have more energy!

Todd said...
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