Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I am wore out

We have been vehicle  shopping recently. It has not been fun. We live in an small town area; meaning that all the towns around us are small, not that we live in anything that could be called a  town. So, there is not much choice locally. Not to mention the fact that most of the things that are available are high-mileage and hard-used. We realized we had to go to the city. It is a long ride, it has been hot, the vehicle we have to use to look for the new one is having problems and may or may not make the trip, and on top of all that there is an autistic teen that really was not happy with the whole procedure of car shopping.
Well, anyway, I believe we have a winner. But I will fill in on that tomorrow, probably, soon anyway. I am just too tired.
We are expecting a bunch of rain from Isacc. I am happy but I don't imagine New Orleans is.
When filling out the paperwork for the rig I had to ask for the date. When the salesman told me, Morg mentioned it was my anniversary. Oh. The salesman looked at us a bit oddly as we laughed about it. I told him, "I don't get mad at him for not buying me a gift and he doesn't get mad at me for forgetting it too."
Oh, yeah. On the way to the "big city" we stopped for cigarettes and I went in. The same woman that carded me last time almost did it again. She was looking at me funny and asked if I was from around her and I told her about 20 miles south, my husband is usually the one that comes in. She then asked me how old I was. I told her I just turned 47, and you carded me last time I was in here. She remembered me then, I had offered to go get my ID but she said no. How silly, 47 and carded for cigarettes.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Glad you found a rig for yourselves. I'm going to want pictures eventually.