So, I guess it is past time for my first post;I have been putting it off and it has not become easier to start--big surprise there. I decided if I am going to blog then I ought to blog and the weather wins out because it did.
We got an 1/8 inch of rain today.and unfortunately that is the only rain we have received since May began. April was rather dry too. I hope the rest of the growing season is not this way; it is hard to garden when it is this dry. Last year was a bit dry, mostly later, during summer, our spring was wetter than this year though. It got so hot and dry that most folks around here gave up on their gardens; we did pretty good in comparison even if it was a bad garden year in general. A couple/few years ago we had a very dry spring but a wet summer. I am hoping for a wet summer since we have no rain this spring.
We have a larger garden this year than anytime previous here (11 years). And we finally found a reliable radish for us. We have poor luck with them forming bulbs and our springs can be short enough that it gets too hot too fast for radishes or peas so we found something called a Rat's Tail radish that forms fat tasty seed pods instead of bulbs. It supposedly does not mind the heat so much also. We have had a taste of a few smaller ones and so far so great. The flavor is really good and we are already close to getting as much radish as all the "bulb" type we have ever planted.
I suppose I ought to mention that the "we" is, as far as gardening is mostly my husband and I with a little help from one of our two daughters, the youngest, who is emerging into her teen years this year. Our other daughter doesn't help in the garden; she is autistic and it is just not something we have been able to get her into doing. We live in the Missouri Ozarks.
I hope your garden does well this year. Nice hearing from you.
I am hoping the garden does well also. Each year it seems more important with the "regular" food supply lines being less dependable for healthy food--that and the cost of food, healthy or not. And in flavor there is no comparison to home raised.
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