Thursday, January 30, 2014

My "Procedure"

So I had my colonoscopy today. And missed my soap opera because of it; ah well, I can catch up on the fan pages or watch it tomorrow morning on the Days of Our Lives website.
As anyone that has had a colonoscopy knows, it is not the actual procedure that is bad, it is the prep for it. Two and a Half Men’s Alan Harper (Jon Cryer) called it industrial strength colon-blow. The term fits so well I like to use it. Due to having had rectal cancer I have had many colonoscopies. Thankfully they are not near as often as they used to be; as a matter of fact, my last one was 2 years ago. That seemed like such a huge gap. I was expecting that I would have a follow-up appt. after this to discuss findings. None was scheduled. There were no labs to wait for or anything. NOTHING-NOTHING-NOTHING And I don’t have to have another one for 5 years! I cannot tell you how so utterly awesome that is to me.
The biggest issue today was they had trouble getting the IV in. My hands are so bruised; the nurse was even saying as she was wrapping them up that when I took the wrapping off it would look like I went a couple rounds with Mike Tyson. All I could think of was is that my hands would not be were the bruising would be if that were so. The main problem was I became a bit dehydrated from the medically prescribed diarrhea--veins don’t stand up if you are not hydrated. Some of it was just bad luck--it happens. The nurse, who has placed IVs in me before quickly and painlessly, tried my left and missed. She went to the right and stopped an instant before she blew the vin. She said that was enough for her she was getting the anesthetist to do it saying he was really good and never missed. He went to the right and went right through the vein. I felt so sorry for the both of them; oh the looks on their faces, they felt so bad.I kept telling them that it happens, don’t worry about it, I don’t get upset until the 6th or 7th time. He went left and managed to get it but in a vein right along the bone. I found that to be surprisingly more painful then the average IV--that’s okay, just don’t move that finger much and it won’t rub much, right? Oh I was sooo glad to get that out. And the backs of both hands are very purple.
I am still a little buzzed and kind of hungry. Food and a nap or nap and food???? 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Writing With Nothing to Say

Not really anything has been going on so I just haven't had anything to write. My life is mostly boring; I like it that way. I got my excitement when I was young. And if I need drama there is my soap opera--he he he.
Had an issue with the dogs last week, well, a week and a half now, I think. I don't know what happened to start it but all three wound up in a brawl. It is not fun separating three large fighting dogs. Both Ron and I got bit. Angus needs to be kept apart from the other two. He spends most of his time apart from them anyway so it isn't that hard to deal with.
Yesterday afternoon I typed this out in an email to a friend about what has been going on and I am just going to copy and paste it here because other than the dog fight, really nothing has been going on, too cold.
In my town (the place I live not the town we go to the store at) there is a property going up for auction for tax issues. A lot of talk about it for many reasons but mostly it is sort of a prime property except the dude has a pile of old roofing that is twice the size of my house that the EPA now knows about and so has to be cleaned up, properly; it is going to be costly. Still, it has a *really* good spring on it that has never in memory stopped. During the big droughts in the 30’s it was the only spring still flowing and everybody would take turns driving their cattle to it in a day; it kept everybody's cattle alive right around here when others were dying  for lack of water all over the place. The guy that had the place is a real ass. We are friendly with his parents; his dad won’t talk to him though his mom still does. He has 3 kids that won’t have anything to do with him. Because of him another guy we are friendly with is going to prison for 3 years (probably to keep his son from going) and he isn’t going to survive it, he doesn’t have 3 years left in him. I don’t remember what started it but the ass decided to call the cops on the other guys for something stupid and then it was discovered that the backhoe they had had for 15 or so years had been stolen from the state or something 18 years ago--my years are a little fuzzy but they bought it stolen, they did not steal it, and have had it for quite some time; we have been here 13 years and they had it when we moved here. I am thinking how that turned out might have a bit to do with the guy bailing on his place here and moving to Springfield. It might be a bit bad for his health for him to stay.
The only other thing I can think of is the brother of the woman that lives up the hill stopped by on his way to go get the truck of a neighbor that was supposed to be on the hill with the cemetery. It was a good thing I saw him and started talking to him, Ron wound up giving him a ride because it was still close to a mile to go and it was not on cemetery hill; it was on the paved hill--which made much more sense. You see, the truck’s owner’s grandson had been driving it and had been taken to jail the night before. I thought they must have wanted him pretty bad to get him at cemetery hill--the cops almost never leave pavement. He was pulled over on pavement and managed to convince them not to impound his granddaddy’s truck. But the story isn’t as interesting as it started because the cops didn’t leave the pavement.
Best possible police response time if called -- 45 min. I live in about as close to lawlessness as exists in this country. I don’t mind.

So, that is the big news here.