Tuesday, October 22, 2013

No Mushrooms, No Internet


So I went mushroom hunting today. It seemed like a good time, the weather has been cool and we have had enough moisture. However, that was not the case; there were almost no mushrooms let alone the kind I was looking for. I was looking for Blewits, not that I would turn my nose up at Oysters or Puffballs, Not even Coral mushrooms. But I saw almost no mushrooms at all. There were a few of a type I am unsure of and they looked like they had been picked over by turkeys. There were a handful of a kind that are not edibles. I did find a couple of bunches of white Coral, they looked good but when I picked them the bottom was all purpley and the stems were hollow--never seen it and not gonna eat it. We are supposed to be getting a frost tomorrow night, maybe that will bring on the Blewits.
I got back from the failed mushroom hunt to find our internet out. I reset the modem and this, that, and the other thing that are always the first steps tech support has one do all to no avail and so I called tech support. After about an hour on the phone I get informed the problem is on their side and the problem has been "escalated," meaning a rush order to fix I assume, and I should have the internet back within 24 - 48 hours. Cool. So, this will be posted/sent when my internet comes back. Tink does not handle internet outages very well.
We have been wondering if Tink can handle two countdowns. She can. She is counting down until her birthday and she added a countdown to Halloween; she is keeping track of both. I still have no clue what she expects out of Halloween. We get no trick or treaters, the kids are too old to trick or treat themselves--not that it was very good the last couple of years they did; one house on this block, go a couple blocks, oh, there's a house, another block or so…
We went to the Decedents of the Pioneers Days the first weekend of October. It is a local celebration that has been going on for about the same length of time we have lived here. It has gotten bigger each year except the 2012 one really had a low turn out. This year we planned on going Saturday and probably Sunday but that Saturday was rainy and cold and somebody didn't feel good so we didn't go. We did go Sunday and it was nice; sunny and warm with long sleeves or a light jacket. And because of the rain the day before, the long drive in on the dirt 'n chert road that some people have the nerve to call gravel, they aren't gravel, anyway, the dirt 'n chert road is usually extremely dusty when we go down it and the rain made it not dusty. That was nice. We saw the usual stuff at the festival, molasses and soap making, a blacksmith and knife maker, people spinning and weaving, lots of little handcrafts for sale and some antique stuff. And they have free wagon rides around the grounds. We didn't see many locals there this year but we are starting to know some of the vendors and they recognize us from previous years. Come to think of it there were two vendors not there this year that usually are. One of the vendors there is always at the Renaissance Festival too.

Well the internet came back on late last night. And we are supposed to frost tonight so I have to go see if there is anything worth bringing in from the garden.